How Chiropractic Website Marketing Can Help Your Practice


When a chiropractic office makes the decision to put their name and web presence online, there are several things they must consider to make sure it is successful. Chiropractors must first work to establish themselves as professionals in their field before going too far with marketing their site. There are some things chiropractors should avoid when doing online marketing. Here are seven things to watch out for when going about chiropractic website marketing:

o Duplicate Content There are many sites that sell chiropractic marketing packages. Some even offer free promotional material. The catch is that most of this content is identical-looking, with little to no original content. These sites tend to be places where chiropractors try to get new patients. It’s recommended that chiropractors stay away from these packages.

o No Proper Web Design A chiropractic marketing firm that offers a free web design is best avoided. If the website looks like it was thrown together overnight, or that it was designed by a junior designer who doesn’t know much about design, chances are it won’t do much good. While some web design firms offer affordable rates for their services, it’s best to stick with a reputable firm that specializes in chiropractic web design.

o A chiropractic website marketing service that offers an automated program that submits articles, videos, blogs, and more often than not fails to get results because of how annoying and monotonous the repetitive nature of chiropractic writing can be. A better option would be to use a freelance writer or chiropractic writing service to produce content. These services will cost more but are worth it if you have a legitimate company to work with. A lot of times, these services will submit articles to different sites so it’s important to choose a site that is going to be believable. A shoddy writer or company could cause serious problems for your business. A reputable service will make sure that your content and posts are unique and interesting.

o Office Giveaways Many chiropractic offices offer office giveaways for their clients. These items are great if you are trying to attract new customers, or if you just want to show your clientele what makes your practice stand out. A great idea for office giveaways may be a travel coffee mug read. Other marketing ideas include lanyards, magnets, t-shirts, mugs, and more. The key is to find something that’s going to appeal to the person most likely to come into your office.

o Patient Appreciation Day A patient appreciation day is an excellent way to promote your chiropractic marketing program and gain new patients. All individuals who come to your office for help need to feel valued. This is why it’s a good idea to feature an employee in your marketing program who has a lot of experience in helping new patients. You could also have a special post with a message thanking them for taking the time to come to your office. Adding this to your website will help you attract new patients while letting those patients know that they are not the only ones to receive help from your chiropractic clinic.

o Referral Programs The main reason chiropractic offices participate in marketing programs is to gain new patients. When you offer a marketing incentive, you send a clear message to all those individuals who may be considering making a visit to your office. If you give a bonus for referrals, you encourage those individuals to talk to their family doctor. They are reminded that you provide health care and that this is the place to go when they need help. The result is a win-win situation for your chiropractic marketing program and your business.

Creating a chiropractic website that features your web presence and image is a good way to build your brand and drive new clients to your office. However, it’s important to remember that the purpose of these pages is not to sell services or products. Although some web sites offer discounts and coupons that can be worth a few dollars to many webmasters, there are many ways to make your web presence a marketing tool that builds customer loyalty. If you want to learn more about how you can build your chiropractor’s web presence without selling, contact a web design and marketing firm today.

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Plenty Of Pixels
133 North Altadena Dr Suite 402
Pasadena, CA 91107

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